Meet Fountaingate Gardens Ambassador: Oscar Rosenes


Why did I choose to be a Fountaingate Gardens Ambassador?

“Because I believed in it.” – Oscar

Life is always changing, and, at some point in our lives, we find ourselves in the position of making decisions about our future. For some, a Life Plan Community* makes the most sense, and on Long Island, Fountaingate Gardens is the newest choice. Future residents are excited about moving into this community, and they’re eager to share “why.” Oscar Rosenes, an early depositor and one of Fountaingate Gardens’ ambassadors, views his deposit as a practical decision.

A History of Reliable Care

“I have some background with Gurwin; my mother-in-law was there for over 10 years, and she had a wonderful life.”

Oscar’s positive past experience with Gurwin’s higher levels of care made it an easy decision to become a depositor at its new independent living community. When Oscar and his wife were exploring options for the future, Fountaingate Gardens was an ideal fit. Although Oscar’s wife passed away last January, he is still looking forward to moving into their selected residence – the now sold-out Willow. Oscar made a point to highlight the availability, should the need arise, of top-level medical care. He is reassured knowing that Fountaingate Gardens offers more than just the maintenance-free living you could find at a 55+ community.

Transparency in Development

“You always have the option to cancel, but why would you want to?” he asked.

As an ambassador for Fountaingate Gardens, Oscar has been generating interest in his current community as well as helping to grow the level of interest elsewhere. Oscar thinks the transparency of the process is an important element to remember about making the decision to invest in Fountaingate Gardens, since your deposit is protected and is an investment in your future.

Oscar is trying to help people conceptualize their future at Fountaingate Gardens, noting all of the plusses to this type of lifestyle. “Why not proceed when depositing now will save financially and help ensure your future happiness and health in a community that you were an integral part of building?”

Ambassador Duties

“I’m very interested in the overall concept.”

Recently, Oscar spoke at an event for potential residents. “There were some very focused and sharp people in attendance,” he said. Potential depositors were thinking ahead and some of them asked very detailed questions about meals and maintenance, things that are included at Fountaingate Gardens. Oscar remembered one younger lady in particular because, like Oscar and his wife, “She was thinking of what would happen to her husband if she passed away,” he said.  A commitment like this, to each other and to the future, is part of why a Life Plan Community is an important life decision for your family. Pre-planning can reduce the stress associated with making last-minute decisions later in life.

If you think a move to Fountaingate Gardens could be a good fit for you, call our team at (631) 715-2693.

*also known as a Continuing Care Retirement Community, or CCRC